Script 2.8 Script 2.8 - Sorting arrays. Last section I used a new array along with the shuffle() function.




In their original order:
10 Casablanca
10 To Kill a Mockingbird
2 The English patient
9 Stranger Than Fiction
5 Story of The Weeping camel
7 Donnie Darko
Sorted by title:
blankDonnie Darko
blankStory of The Weeping camel
blankStranger Than Fiction
blankThe English patient
blankTo Kill a Mockingbird
Sorted by rating:
10To Kill a Mockingbird
9Stranger Than Fiction
7Donnie Darko
5Story of The Weeping camel
2The English patient
Shuffle() 10 of The World's Most Enjoyable Movie Theatres
7. Prasads, Hyderbad, India
3. Raj Mandir Theatre, Jaipur, India
1. Cine Thisio, Athens, Greece
10. Castro Theatre, San Franxisci, US
8. Cine de Chef, Seoul, South Korea
4. Kino Int, Berlin, Germany
5. 4DX, Seaoul, South Korea
9. Secret Cinema, Worldwide
2. Alamo Drafthouse, TX, US
6. Uplink X, Tokyo, Japan