Welcome to my weather and webcams web app. From a technology and coding perspective, the main
objective is to demonstrate my knowledge for using HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery plugin, AJAX and an API. I am using
the jQuery jCarousel plugin to display the retrieved webcam images.
The weather conditions and webcams are coming form two seperate api calls to
Wunderground. For the city and state retrieval I am using
this cool api from Geobytes. I used PHP and cURL for 2 api calls.
This eliminates CORS" issues.
I did not make this responsive as my objective was to demonstrate using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and API calls.
The JCarousel gets a hickup every once in a while with respect to new images. I am thinking this may be due to
retrieveing the images from an api and the images are of various sizes, maybe.
I have a little more clean up work to do on the code such as adding some comments and going over code that is not needed.
I wanted to get it life to see how it performs.