Duke's Blog

Visit Duke's new and improved Blog.


Vue.js Course Tutorial

A Vue.js tutorial
A tutorial I took to refresh my skills with Vue.js. A frontend web development framework. The tutorial offered by Traversy Media on Youtube.
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: vuejs,frontend, framework

My First Vuejs App

My first Vuejs tutorial
Vuejs is cool
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: vuejs, front-end , web, development

A Robot Blog

A blog
A blog about robots I developed with WordPress
catagory: News
tags: blog, robots, wordpress

A Drone Blog

A blog
A blog I developed with WordPress
catagory: News
tags: blog, drones, wordpress

HES Class Dynamic Web Applications

Developed using the Laravel Framework.
Final project for class Dynamic Web Applications which I took at Harvard extension School.
catagory: Coding
tags: web development, php,laravel

My First Angular Web App

My first attempt at building a web app using Angular 2. Still learning, so as my skills in Angular increase, I will add more features.
Angular is Awesome !
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: angular, front-end , web, development

Get Weather and WebCams

My newly coded page using JavaScript, jQuery and of course HTML and CSS. The app uses api to get the current weather and webcams for a city, state.
It really works !
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: weather,webcams,api

HES CSCI E - 3 Final Project New Version

Harvard Extension School class CSCI E - 3 . This was my final project. NEW and improved version.
A cool game I made Get the Blob
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: class,graduate,game,javascript

HES CSCI E - 3 Final Project

Harvard Extension School class CSCI E - 3 . This was my final project.
A cool game I made Get the Blob
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: class,graduate,final,javascript

HES CSCI E - 3 Extra Credit Assignment Two

Harvard Extension School class CSCI E - 3 . This was my extra assignment two.
Example of the DOM and javascript
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: class,graduate,javascript,DOM

HES CSCI E - 3 Extra Credit Assignment One

Harvard Extension School class CSCI E - 3 . This was my extra assignment one.
Example of using a javascript constructor function
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: class,graduate,javascript,constructor

HES CSCI E - 3 Graduate Assignment Two

Harvard Extension School class CSCI E - 3 . This was my graduate assignment two.
A Bookmarklet
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: class,graduate,javascript,bookmarklet

HES CSCI E - 3 Graduate Assignment One

Harvard Extension School class CSCI E - 3 . This was my graduate assignment one.
A Mortgage Calculator
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: class,graduate,assignment,javascript

Intro to Web Programming Using Javascript

Harvard Extension School class CSCI E - 3 . I learned JavaScript.
My second class at Harvard Extension School.
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: school,class,javascript

Fundamentals of WebSite Development Final Project

Harvard Extension School class CSCI s - 12. Final project
I think my final project came out really cool.
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: school,class,final,project html, css

Fundamentals of WebSite Development

Harvard Extension School class CSCI s - 12. I learned HTML, CSS and a little JavaScript
I think my final project came out really cool.
catagory: New Coded Pages
tags: school,class,html, css,javascript

My Mortgage Calculator

I code this mortgage calculator. I used javascsript.
It is accurate.
catagory: Coding
tags: javascsript, html, coding

Get The Blob Game

Check out my game I coded. I am using Javascript and JSON data.
Get the blob
catagory: Coding
tags: game, javascript, json, html

Boston The Way It Was part 2 - Scollay Square

catagory: History
tags: boston, scollay,square,history

JavaScript Debugging Tools

Some useful tools for debugging JavaScript
catagory: Coding
tags: javascript, debugging, tools

Finonacci Sequence

Finonacci sequence of numbers is 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 , 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 ...
Finonacci Sequence is the calculation of adding the the previous two numbers of a number. For example. 2 is found by adding the two numbers before it. 1 + 1 = 2
catagory: History
tags: finonacci, math, history, numbers

Welcome to DavidS Blog

I intend to post topics which are of interest to me. I hope the topics are interesting to you also. Catagories are on the right sidebar. Click one that may interest you
I coded this blog using HTML, CSS, PHP . I am using MySQL to store the data for each blog post. I created a Filemaker solution to store the data and to interact with MySQL The Filemaker script Execute SQL came in very useful for adding and editing blog posts.

I did not code this using the responsive first web design approach. Maybe in the future I will make this site more mobile friendly. My main purpose was to create a site that can gather data from a different MySQL database simply be changing a few lines of PHP code.

I hope you enjoy my site.

David Petringa
Enjoy my blog. Feel free to post this to social media. Easy to use links are on the left side.
catagory: Coding
tags: about, david, blog

One in Ten Residents of This Village Live to be 100

They eat fresh food
the health benefits of a Mediterranean diet
catagory: Health
tags: health,mediterranean,diet

My Completed Assignments For Harvard Extension School

Completed assignments for Fundamentials of Web Developemnt
catagory: Coding
tags: html,css,javascript,front end,ux,ui

Guy Gets Drunk and Critiques Websites

I posted this under the catagory of humor. I also could have posted this under the catagory of coding.
catagory: Humor
tags: humor, coding, ux, ui, design,websites

Marcus Aurelius Quotes

The secret of all victory lies in the organization of the non-obvious.
Marcus Aurelius on victory
catagory: Quotes
tags: quotes, motivational

PHP str_replace() Function

The PHP function str_replace()
echo str_replace("find","Positive","Turn a Negative to a find .");
Turn a Negative to a Positive .
catagory: PHP
tags: tutorial

PHP strlen() Function

The PHP function strlen() returns the length of a string.
echo strlen("Hello Duke");
catagory: PHP
tags: tutorial

PHP str_pad() Function

The str_pad() PHP function pads a string to a new length.
$str = "Hello World";
echo str_pad($str,20,"."STR_PAD_LEFT);
...................Hello World
catagory: PHP
tags: tutorial

The Freelance Generation

Why startups and companies should know about the freelance generation
catagory: Careers
tags: careers, jobs, freelance

Tech Skills You Need to Know for 2015

catagory: Careers
tags: careers,technology,skills

Really Cool CSS3 Coding Techniques

Really interesting and easy to implement
catagory: Coding
tags: coding, css

Why You Should Learn to Code Before Starting a Business

Good information entrepreneurs
catagory: Coding
tags: careers, coding,learn,to,code

Are Experts Still in Demand For HTML and CSS

catagory: Careers
tags: careers,coding,jobs,html,css

Dale Carnegie Quotes

Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.
Dale Carnegie on success
catagory: Quotes
tags: quotes, success, motivational

Henry Ford Quotes

Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement.
Henry Ford on mistakes
catagory: Quotes
tags: quotes, motivational

Clifford Stoll Quotes

The Internet is a telephone system that has gotten uppity.
Clifford Stoll on the internet
catagory: Quotes
tags: quotes, technology, internet

Freeman Dyson Quotes

Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of gifts of God. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences
Freeman Dyson on technology
catagory: Quotes
tags: quotes,technology

18 Cool Bootstrap Templetes to Make Awesome Websites

Bootsrtap templetes to create websites
catagory: Coding
tags: bootstrap-html-css-ux-ui

Pablo Picasso Quotes

But they are useless. They can only give you answers.
Pablo Picasso, on computers
catagory: Quotes
tags: quotes,technology

Voltaire Quotes

Work saves a man from three great evils: boredom, vice, and need.
catagory: Quotes
tags: quotes,action,work

Antoine de Saint-Exupery Quotes

The machine does not isolate man from the great problems of nature but plunges him more deeply into them.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
catagory: Quotes
tags: quotes,technology

Responsive Ecommerce Product Pages Created with Bootstrap

Bootstrap can be used create awesome responsive ecommerce product detail pages. Check out this short tutorial.
Bootstrap is one of the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript front frameworks for creating responsive web pages.
catagory: Coding
tags: bootstrap, ecommerce,ux,ui

Roman Bath Houses

The Romans were probably the cleanest of all civilized nations. The Romans used a lot of water that ....
Roman baths could offer a variety of activities.
catagory: History
tags: roman

11 Steps to Becoming a Software Engineer - Without a CS Degree

You can become a software developer without a college degree
Learn to code. It is easy and fun.
catagory: Careers
tags: carrers,learn,school

Drones Used For Real Estate Flying Up

More real estate brokers seeing increased benefit with using drones
Great new way to market property
catagory: Business
tags: business,real estate,drones

My Web Page I Coded

A Picture of a Pink Rose
Pink Rose
I coded this page using HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Filemaker
catagory: Coding
tags: code,ux,ui,html,filemaker,mysql

Arthur C. Clarke Quotes

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clarke
catagory: Quotes
tags: quotes,action,motivational,inpirational

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Quotes

And here I am thinking of those astonishing electronic machines ... by which our mental capacity to calculate and combine is reinforced and multiplied by the process and to a degree that herald ... astonishing advances.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
catagory: Quotes
tags: quotes,action,motivational,inpirational

Marcus Aurelius Quotes

Everything that exists is in a manner the seed of that which will be.
Marcus Aurelius
catagory: Quotes
tags: quotes,action,motivational,inpirational

Jack London Quotes

You can not wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.
Jack London
catagory: Quotes
tags: quotes,action,motivational,inpirational

Mel Brooks Quote

If God wanted us to fly, He would have given us tickets.
Mel Brooks
catagory: Quotes
tags: quotes,humor

Elbert Hubbard Quote

He has achieved success who has worked well, laughed often, and loved much.
Elbert Hubbard
catagory: Quotes
tags: quotes,action,motivational,inpirational

How to Solve Large Tasks

Tips on solving obstacles
catagory: Motivation
tags: motivation,success

Bootstrap or Bootcamp Learn to Code

How to be a self-made Web Developers
catagory: Coding
tags: careers

Why Being an Amateur Coder is Good

Software Developer jobs are expected to grow the most over the next decade.
It is not too late to learn to code
catagory: Careers
tags: careers,developers

Stackoverflow Developer Survey Results For 2016

69% of developers are at least partially self taught
Learn to code
catagory: Careers
tags: developers,survey

Twitter Bootstrap Usage Statistics

Increase in sites using Bootstrap
Front end framework
catagory: Coding
tags: Front end framework, ux, ui, learntocode

Setting Business Goals

The benefit of goal setting
All you need to know
catagory: Careers
tags: goels,careers,motivation

Amazon SEO

Use Amazon SEO and increase sales
Good tips
catagory: Marketing
tags: marketing

Four Most Important Pages on Your Website

Four Most Important Pages on Your Website Read More >>>

A book on creating a website | The missing manual creating a website
catagory: Coding
tags: ui,ux,code

Seniors Learn to Code

Its no to late to start
Learn to code
catagory: Careers
tags: careers,code

Wikipedia on Bootstrap

Wikipedia has a good history and overview for the Bootstrap front end framework
catagory: Coding
tags: bootstrap,html,css,javascript

Benefits of Learning to Code

About computers
Teach a human how to program a computer and the computer will replace the human.
Learn to code
catagory: Coding
tags: code

Learning to Code is the Most Valuable Skill for the 21 st Century

The nature of work has fundamentally changed.
Software is turning industries inside out
catagory: Careers
tags: code

Bootstrap Advantage

Bootstrap has many amazing features including jQuery plugins.
catagory: Coding
tags: bootstrap,html,css,jquery

Marketing Tips for Twitter

Some good ideas on how to use Twitter
Dukesnuz Twitter Feed
catagory: Marketing
tags: marketing,twitter

Boost Your Freelance Profile

Freelancing has a huge amount of positve benefits.
Learn to start freelancing
catagory: Careers
tags: freelance, coding, ui,ux

Websites Built with Bootstrap

Impressive websites that use the Bootstrap front end framework
Lots of Bootstrap examples
catagory: Coding
tags: bootstrap, html,css

Websites Created With Bootstrap

Bootstrap can be used to create really awesome sites
40 websites built with Bootstrap framework
catagory: Coding
tags: Bootstrap,HTML5,CSS,Javascript

Color Palette Tools For Web Developers

21 great sites for color palettes for web design
Enhance you web site design skills by using cgreat color schemes
catagory: Coding
tags: html,ui,colors

Crazy Laws Across Fruited Plains

Wonder what and where they are?
Bizarre laws
catagory: News
tags: laws

Why U Should Learn to Code

A skill that is not only in high demand, but also in low supply.
Get coding
catagory: Careers
tags: jobs,code

Reason Why it is So Difficult to Find a Front - End Developer

Steep Learning curve?
Learn to code
catagory: Careers
tags: front-end,ui,html,cdd,jobs

Learn Front-End Framework, Bootstrap

Learn Bootstrap
Join us for HTML5 Brunch, Season 6. A virtual self study #learntocode group. The topic of Season 6 is Bootstrap, a front-end framework. The book will be Sams Teach Yourself Bootstrap in 24 Hours by Jennifer Kyrnin
catagory: Coding
tags: bootstrap,html,css

Not my Domain Name Pointing to my Website

I have an interesting scenario.

I have an interesting scenario. A domain name which I do not own is pointing to my website. The owner of the domain will not take down the domain forwarding. The main reason this is a bad deal is search engines. When search results include my website, the other domain shows up in the results. This implies that my website is associated with their website. Not so as their is no association.

So I believe I found a solution. .htaccess which is used for site-access issues. I create an .htaccess rule to redirect the unwanted url to an error page on my website. I hope that the search engines will crawl my pages -soon- and push the unwanted search results so far down that the search results will appear irrelevant.

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.bad-doamin.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^$ http://www.dukesnuz.com/403.shtml [L,R=301]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^bad-doamin.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^$ http://www.dukesnuz.com/403.shtml [L,R=301]
More information describing .htaccess can be found here.
catagory: Coding
tags: url,domain,.htaccess

Web Design Trends to Learn For 2016

Great article on website design.
I enjoyed the above book on responsive web design.
catagory: Coding
tags: UX, UI, Design, Responsive

Robots Boost Warehouse Productivity

Let the Robots do the walking.
Robots do not need coffee breaks
catagory: Business
tags: robots,logistics,technology

Pure Responsive Web Design Framework

Pure Framework responsive css modules
Could this be the simple alternative to bootstrap?
catagory: Coding
tags: framework,ui,frontend,html,css

Responsive Frameworks Have a Problem

The counter opinion to the Bootstrap framework.
Is the alternative Kraken?
catagory: Coding
tags: frameworks,boostrap,frontend,ui,html,css

11 Good Reasons to Use Bootstrap

Learn to code using Bootstrap
All rolled into Bootstrap
catagory: Coding
tags: boostrap,frameworks,html,css,javascript

Best Websites For Freelance Web Designers and Developers

Great places to land a freelance web developer gig
catagory: Careers
tags: freelance,jobs,web designer,developer

Norman Vincent Peale Quote

Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all.
Norman Vincent Peale
catagory: Quotes
tags: quotes,action,motivational,inpirational

My Favorite Learn to Code books

HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, jQuery, MySQL, Filemaker
I have read all but 3 of these books.
catagory: Coding
tags: code,html,css,php,javascript,mysql
long url: 

Visit My Art Gallery

Feeding time
Dinner at 6
catagory: Humor
tags: pictures,funny

Is the Homepage Ancient History

Is the homepage relevent anymore?
Looks like social media is more influential
catagory: Marketing
tags: marketing,code,social media


A little humor
At the bank, I told the cashier that I would like to open a joint account please. ok, with whom, she asked ? Whomever has lots of money, I stated.
I thought this was funny
catagory: Humor
tags: funny,joke,humor

Tips on How to Sleep Well

What position do you sleep in?
Sleep well
catagory: Health
tags: health,wellness

Use PHP to Convert HTML to PDF

Esay way to convert html to PDF using PHP using MPDF class
Real simple
catagory: Coding

7 Useful CSS3 Code Samples

Some really wonderful things can now be done with CSS
Useful coding tips that can be used to create some super cool website designs
catagory: Coding
tags: css,code

Website Grader

Do you have a website? Want to Grade it?
catagory: Marketing
tags: seo,code,website,marketing

How to Have a Winning Mind and Mental Toughness

Success is more of a mindset, rather than ...
10 pointers
catagory: Motivation
tags: motivation,mind,success

Technology Mixes With Automobiles

You do not have to wait for the future to get a ...
Coming to your dashboard
catagory: Technology
tags: technology,cars,entertainment

Tech Startups and Freelancing

Gone are the days of the 40-hour work week that kept us at work eight hours a day (I find that most startup ...
Incentive to freelance
catagory: Careers
tags: freelance, startups,coding

Great Video on Personal Branding

Great Video About Personal Branding
catagory: Marketing
tags: branding,social media,marketing

Welcome to My Blog

I intend to post topics which are of interest to me. I hope the topics are interesting to you also. Catagories are on the right sidebar. Click one that may interest you
I coded this blog using HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP. I am using MySQL to store the data for each blog post. I created a Filemaker solution to store the data and to interact with MySQL. The Filemaker script Execute SQL came in very useful for adding and editing blog posts.

Since such a large percentage of people use smartphones, tablets and now watches to access the internet, I used aresponsive web design approach.
Enjoy my blog. Feel free to post this to social media. Easy to use links are on the left side.
catagory: About
tags: about, dukesnuz, blog

10 Really Good Reasons Why You Need to Learn Code

Learn to code on your own. A high demand skill with low supply.
10 really good carrer points states
catagory: Careers
tags: code,learntocode,careers
long url:  a

My Pictures

Egg and Okra Omelet with Black Pepper and Fennel

This blog will contain posts that seem relevent and interesting to me. I hope you also enjoy them and find this blog useful.

I am using a model view controller (MVC) pattern for this web page. I using PHP for the controller, HTML for the view and for the modal mySQL. I also developed a Filemaker solution. The FM solution stores the blog data. I use the execute SQL script to upload, edit and delete all blog post data. The code can be found on GitHub. PHP files on GitHub. HTML file on GitHub